016 The Journey of a World-Class Chess Commentator w/ WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili
May 03, 2022
Offering live commentary of world-class chess is no easy task…
Your audience is often club-level players or beginners…
So, you'll have to strike a balance between explaining obscure GM strategy…
While also delivering fun commentary that keeps your viewers engaged…
That’s what this week's guest, WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili, does all the time for Chess.com and FIDE.
In this episode, we dive into the story of a commentator for these incredible events...
Keti makes top-level chess easy to follow for those of us who were never pros…
Plus, she has an incredible, positive energy that makes listening to her a pleasure.
In this episode we discuss:
- The unique experience of learning chess in Georgia, where the game is immensely popular and revered.
- How Keti got unexpectedly swept into commentating for chess’ elite tournaments.
- Balancing commentary of world-class chess events for all skill levels.
- Keti’s top advice for all adult improvers.
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