021 Switching Openings & Defeating Rating Plateaus with Daniel Lona

Jun 14, 2022

This week’s format is different.

Every few months, I’ll create a solo episode where I update you on my own chess journey:

The top challenges I’m having, the best insights I’ve gained, and the latest wisdom my coaches, Andras Toth & Dan Heisman, have offered me.

I’ll try to frame it in ways that benefit you, so that you get a heap of value from listening. 

This week’s topics:

  • Why I no longer play the French Defense and key resources for determining how/when to change your openings.
  • The top 3 insights from my coaches that'll help me see some massive rating gains.
  • Why dealing with a rating plateau is a true test of character and how I intend to bust through this phase.

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Resources Referenced:
NM Dan Heisman, “Selecting An Opening Repertoire” (YouTube Video)

IM Andras Toth, “A Big Rant About How to Choose Opening Lines.” (YouTube Video)

IM Andras Toth, “Private Lesson with Chess Podcaster Daniel Lona.” (YouTube Video)