006 Time Crunch: What Should You Study? with NM Laura Smith

Feb 24, 2022

One of the hardest parts of being an adult improver is making the most of your limited (and energy-drained?) free time for chess.

To help me dive into this subject and reach a few solutions for this problem, I talk with National Master, Laura Smith.
Born and raised in Queens, New York - and now living in Brooklyn - Laura is an elementary school teacher who also coaches chess at both the scholastic and adult levels.
Plus, she's the mother of three kids with her husband, Shaun - so she is no stranger to having limited time! 

Laura has recently led the adult beginner classes for women for the US Chess Women program.

A few ideas you'll find in this episode: 
  • Why you should do fewer puzzles online, not more.
  • Do you really need to dive deep into endgames?
  • A unique approach to delving into strategy.

Want To Save Using the Steps Method? Go to Chess Steps and use her affiliate code, "LauraLovesChess" and get 10% off.

You can also find Laura streaming live with her husband on their Twitch Channel.

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